In a shocking incident that unfolded in Punjab, a woman in Firozpur district fought off a masked robber who made an attempt to snatch her purse. She displayed enough strength to hold on even as the robber dragged her along with his motorcycle.
The incident took place in Tuli Wali Street at around 4 PM last week on Friday. was caught on CCTV and has since gone viral.
Punjabi Women Flights off Robber #viralvideo
Asha Bindra, a resident of #Punjab’s #Firozpur district, bravely fought off a masked robber who attempted to snatch her purse in Tuli Wali Street yesterday. Incident caught on CCTV#AntiFarmerBJP#Terroristattack#MPPSC_महाआंदोलन
— Taj INDIA (@taj_india007) December 21, 2024
The woman was identified as Asha Bindra. According to an India Today report, she was on her way to a religious site with another family member when she had an encounter with the robber.
The robber tried to grab her purse, which contained a mobile phone and other valuables, but Asha was adamant enough to not let it go.
While struggling to hold on to the purse, Asha sustained injuries. She said that she was determined not to let the thief succeed.
“I was going to the camp with a family member when this masked robber tried to snatch my purse. I didn’t let go, and he eventually ran off. I did get injured, but I wasn’t going to give up,” she said, India Today quoted her as saying.