Maharashtra CM Race: The Maharashtra deadlock has come to an end with caretaker Chief Minister and Shiv Sena leader Eknath Shinde finally relented to the power-sharing formula shared by the top BJP leadership. As reported earlier, the BJP is set to get the Chief Minister’s post and will have two deputies. Devendra Fadnavis is likely to become Chief Minister once again but the final stamp on his name will be put only after BJP legislative party meeting Wednesday morning.
Mahayuti Power-Sharing Formula
As per the power-sharing formula, Devendra Fadnavis will be CM and Eknath Shinde and Ajit Pawar will become Deputy Chief Ministers. The swearing-in ceremony will take place on December 5 at Mumbai’s Azad Maidan, as declared by the BJP leaders. While the BJP is likely to get a Home and Revenue portfolio, the NCP may get the Finance portfolio as well as the Deputy Speaker Position in the assembly. Eknath Shinde’s Sena is likely to get the Urban Development portfolio. Sena is reportedly asking for the Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Council as they already have the Chairman of the Legislative Council. Shiv Sena is likely to get the Urban Development portfolio.
It’s also likely that the NCP may get a Cabinet Minister post in the Modi government which may go to Praful Patel. The NCP had earlier refused to accept a Minister of State post and with the party having a bigger bargaining power, it’s likely to arm-twist the BJP in accepting its demand. Ajit Pawar is already in Delhi for a meeting with senior BJP leaders.
According to a report by India Today, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is expected to secure 21-22 portfolios, while the Ajit Pawar-led NCP is likely to receive 9-10 cabinet positions. The Shiv Sena, which initially sought 16 portfolios, is anticipated to settle for 12.
Athawale’s Advice To Shinde
Union Minister and NDA leader Ramdas Athawale on Tuesday dished out some advice to the ‘sulking’ Shiv Sena (SS) chief Eknath Shinde. The Republican Party of India (Athawale) chief said that Eknath Shinde has been upset over losing his claim for the Chief Minister’s chair and also asked the caretaker CM to accept the reality, rather than procrastinating. He asked Shinde to drop his insistence for the CM’s chair.
Congress Questions Delay
As it has been 10 days since the results were declared, Maharashtra Congress General Secretary, Sachin Sawant, on Tuesday criticised the Mahayuti alliance leaders, accusing them of being gripped by a “power fever”. Criticising the Mahayuti alliance for the delay in government formation in Maharashtra, Sawant questioned, “Why is it taking so long? The Cabinet should have been formed on November 26, yet it did not happen.” He accused the alliance of prioritising their own political aspirations over the needs of the public.