AAP’s senior leader Manish Sisodia is scheduled to meet with Delhi’s Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Monday. This meeting comes in the wake of Kejriwal’s declaration that he will not occupy the chief minister’s seat until he receives a “certificate of honesty” from the public. Kejriwal has stated that he will only assume the role of chief minister, with Sisodia as his deputy, when the public deems them to be honest.
On Monday, a party official stated, “Today’s meeting between Kejriwal and Sisodia will be their first since the announcement. It’s expected that they will discuss the succession for the chief minister’s post.” The meeting is set to take place at the chief minister’s official residence in Civil Lines.
Following his release from Tihar Jail on bail related to the excise policy graft case last Friday, Kejriwal announced plans to convene a meeting with AAP MLAs soon. He indicated that a fellow party member would succeed him as chief minister.
This sudden announcement has sparked widespread speculation about potential successors, including his wife Sunita, and ministers Atishi and Gopal Rai.