TEL AVIV: Ari Harow, a former Chief staff in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu‘s office, was convicted Wednesday on charges of fraud and breach of trust. The conviction came in a Tel Aviv court after Harow admitted the facts of the indictment against him as part of a plea agreement in the 3H Global company case.
Harow admitted to falsifying the sale of a private company he owned that he was required to do when entering public service as Netanyahu‘s chief of staff in 2014.The company was a political consultancy firm called 3H Global and hos continued ownership constituted a conflict of interest.
According to the settlement, Harow will be sentenced to six months of community service and a fine of 700,000 Shekels (USD 192,000).
Harow admitted, among other things, that he helped coordinate a meeting between the President of Madagascar and the Prime Minister, acting in a situation of conflict of interest between his public role and his personal interest.
Harow admitted to falsifying the sale of a private company he owned that he was required to do when entering public service as Netanyahu‘s chief of staff in 2014.The company was a political consultancy firm called 3H Global and hos continued ownership constituted a conflict of interest.
According to the settlement, Harow will be sentenced to six months of community service and a fine of 700,000 Shekels (USD 192,000).
Harow admitted, among other things, that he helped coordinate a meeting between the President of Madagascar and the Prime Minister, acting in a situation of conflict of interest between his public role and his personal interest.