Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar along with his close aide Vijay Kumar Chaudhary met Governor Rajendra Vishwanath Arlekar in Patna. This was an unplanned visit by Kumar, who earlier attended a program where RJD leaders were present. According to reports, the CM held a closed-door meeting with the Governor. The meeting comes amid speculation that Kumar may again ditch the RJD and join hands with the BJP. Some BJP leaders including Union Minister Amit Shah have already sent positive feelers to Kumar by saying that any proposal from JDU would be considered.
Last week, Lalu Yadav and Tejashwi Yadav met Kumar at his residence amid the reports of rift.
#BreakingNews | राज्यपाल से मिलने पहुंचे बिहार के CM नीतीश कुमार, साथ में विजय चौधरी भी मौजूद#NitishKumar #Bihar #Politics | @priyasi90 @jhapras
— Zee News (@ZeeNews) January 23, 2024
Allegations are circulating that Nitish Kumar, who felt disappointed when the RJD did not support him for the convenor post of the INDIA Bloc, is now unwilling to concede space for the RJD to contest more seats in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. The seat-sharing matter has become the latest point of contention between the JDU and the RJD. Speculation is rife that the JD(U), having secured 16 seats in the 2019 Lok Sabha polls as part of the NDA alliance, may be resistant to accepting a reduced seat count in the forthcoming elections. Meanwhile, the RJD, despite not winning any seats previously, is expected to assert its claim for a substantial share, citing its larger numerical representation in the assembly.
RJD president Lalu Prasad, accompanied by his son Tejashwi Yadav, the Deputy CM, visited ally Nitish Kumar at his residence. Following the meeting, Tejashwi Yadav stated that there is no discord between the parties, and both will contest a respectable number of seats.
Meanwhile, the JUD has published some advertisements and videos in which the absence of Tejashwi Yadav added fuel to the fire. The political pundits are again talking about whether Nitish Kumar will make another big move ahead of the Lok Sabha elections.