UP Crime: A heart-wrenching incident has occurred in Uttar Pradesh’s Meerut, where bodies of five people of a family were found inside their house. The bodies were hidden between clothes inside bed boxes. The incident took place near the Lisari Gate police station in the Sohail Garden area.
A team of police and forensic officials reached the spot and started the investigation into the matter. ADG DK Thakur was on his way to the incident site. The family had disappeared a day before the incident. The bodies of the husband, wife, and three children were recovered from the house.
The bodies of husband Moin and wife Asma were found on the floor, while the bodies of 8-year-old Afsa, 4-year-old Aziza, and one-year-old Adiba were found inside the bed. Entry inside the house has been restricted. More details awaited.
This is a developing story, details awaited